PwnageTool 5.1.1 allows to create custom firmware and preserve modem version for unlock with ultrasn0w or Gevey. PwnageTool 5.1.1 supports all A4 devices:
iPhone 3GS
iPhone 4
iPad 1
iPod Touch 3G
iPod Touch 4G
Apple TV 2G
You can download RedSn0w 0.9.12b1 here and PwnageTool 5.1.1 here.
iPhone Dev Team have just released a new version of RedSn0w 0.9.10b4. It includes a fixes for iBooks and launchctl. As always, you can simply run the new redns0w over your current jailbreak, just make sure to uncheck Cydia. To fix iBooks and launchctl errors you can also simply install new version of Corona from Cydia.
MuscleNerd recently Tweeted that iOS 5 beta 1 jailbreak is already available. DevTeam released Redsn0w 0.9.8 b1.
For now the jailbreak is tethered (you have to run redsn0w each time you reboot) and available for Mac OS X only. It will not activate your device, so you need have registered UDID. iPhone 3GS users with 06.15 baseband: redsn0w will get you past the iTunes restore error. This redsn0w will probably work on future versions of iOS 5.
Can not wait for the official release? Do you want to get CineXPlayer for iPad on your iPhone and iPod touch right now? For those of you who do not know, CineXPlayer is an iPad application that allows you to download Xvid AVI files using iTunes, so you can easily reproduce the format that Apple won’t. Because the developer has not invented version of the application for the iPhone, the hacker decided to do everything by himself.
It is a complete step by step tutorial on how to install it on your iPhone or iPod touch available here. You just need to jailbreak these devices, because the process involves SSH (SSH program for secure file sharing on the network) to access the iPhone, but it’s worth it if you want to get it right now!
For those who can legitimately activate to the iPhone3G 4.0GM seed, the “point to previous IPSW” redsn0w trick works and will jailbreak your 4.0GM. The “trick” is to point redsn0w at the 4.0beta4 IPSW instead of 4.0GM (do this after you’ve updated to 4.0GM and activated through the new iTunes 9.2 on your Mac). Since the carrier unlocks aren’t yet supported at 4.0, don’t do this if you use yellowsn0w/ultrasn0w/blacksn0w. Many JB apps are still pretty buggy in 4.0, so again this is mostly useful only for developers of those JB apps.
Note: If you’re experiencing MobileSafari crashes, double check that you’re running the version at the bottom of this page.
For those without legit iPhone3G 4.0GM seed access, please wait until the full public 4.0 release for updates to the jailbreak tools.