Untethered jailbreak is available for iOS 5.0.1 firmware on iPhone3GS, iPhone4, iPhone4-CDMA, iPad1, iPod touch 3G, iPod touch 4G.
1. If you’re already on iOS 5.0.1 with a tethered jailbreak, you have two even choices:
Run redsn0w 0.9.10 over your current jailbreak (deselect “Install Cydia”)
Install the Cydia package prepared by the chronic devteam. It is called Corona 5.0.1 Untether. (tutorial)
2. If you are not on 5.0.1 yet, update now! If you unlock via ultrasn0w or gevey, make sure you update to 5.0.1 via a custom IPSW! See our guides for sn0wbreeze here. Once you’re at 5.0.1, use the latest redsn0w 0.9.10 to both jailbreak and untether.
The iPhone Dev-Team has released RedSn0w 0.9.8b3 which can perform a tethered jailbreak on iOS 4.3.4. This means that you will have to connect your device to a computer and run redsn0w each time you restart.
For the convenience of kernel hackers like @comex and @i0n1c, we have a new redsn0w 0.9.8b3 that supports a TETHERED jailbreak for iOS 4.3.4 on all devices that have 4.3.4 except the iPad2. The vast majority of people will want to stay back at 4.3.3 because that’s where the untethered jailbreak is! There are no new features in 4.3.4 – only fixes for jailbreak exploits.
Also, this is a good time to remind everyone (since we’re still seeing confusion about this): iPad2 owners with a baseband (3G or CDMA) cannot currently use saved blobs to go back to 4.3.3 once the signing window is closed. This is unlike every other device, so don’t be confused! iPad2 owners with basebands should stay away from all updates to maintain your jailbreak!
This jailbreak works with iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPad 1, iPod Touch 3G and iPod Touch 4G. It does not work with iPad 2.
You can download RedSn0w 0.9.8b3 from here: (Mac, Windows)
MuscleNerd recently Tweeted that iOS 5 beta 1 jailbreak is already available. DevTeam released Redsn0w 0.9.8 b1.
For now the jailbreak is tethered (you have to run redsn0w each time you reboot) and available for Mac OS X only. It will not activate your device, so you need have registered UDID. iPhone 3GS users with 06.15 baseband: redsn0w will get you past the iTunes restore error. This redsn0w will probably work on future versions of iOS 5.