MuscleNerd, hacker from DevTeam, has announced via Twitter that a major update to RedSn0w is coming soon.
There will be no need to select an IPSW. Rather than requiring ipsw selection, RedSn0w will now automatically fetch the important pieces directly from Apple (and caches them so that it never needs to re-fetch them again). New version also brings the ability to save and submit SHSH Blobs to Cydia.
Will be pushing out a major redsn0w feature upgrade before my trip to Korea: (and look, no IPSW selection button!)
The new version of RedSn0w is expected to be released on Monday.
The iPhone Dev-Team has released RedSn0w 0.9.8b3 which can perform a tethered jailbreak on iOS 4.3.4. This means that you will have to connect your device to a computer and run redsn0w each time you restart.
For the convenience of kernel hackers like @comex and @i0n1c, we have a new redsn0w 0.9.8b3 that supports a TETHERED jailbreak for iOS 4.3.4 on all devices that have 4.3.4 except the iPad2. The vast majority of people will want to stay back at 4.3.3 because that’s where the untethered jailbreak is! There are no new features in 4.3.4 – only fixes for jailbreak exploits.
Also, this is a good time to remind everyone (since we’re still seeing confusion about this): iPad2 owners with a baseband (3G or CDMA) cannot currently use saved blobs to go back to 4.3.3 once the signing window is closed. This is unlike every other device, so don’t be confused! iPad2 owners with basebands should stay away from all updates to maintain your jailbreak!
This jailbreak works with iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPad 1, iPod Touch 3G and iPod Touch 4G. It does not work with iPad 2.
You can download RedSn0w 0.9.8b3 from here: (Mac, Windows)
iOS 5 beta 3 is jailbreakable by RedSn0w 0.9.8 b1. DevTeam hacker MuscleNerd has confirmed that the RedSn0w 0.9.8 b1 jailbreak works on recently released iOS 5 Beta 3. All you have to do is to point it to a downloaded iOS 5 beta 1 firmware ipsw.
Today’s 5.0b3 can be jailbroken with last month’s redsn0w (point it at 5.0b1 IPSW..devs only please!)
RedSn0w 0.9.8 b1 jailbreak works on all devices, exect iPad 2. This means you can get a tethered jailbreak on Windows and Mac OS for iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPod Touch 3G, iPod Touch 4G and iPad 1.
You can download RedSn0w 0.9.8 b1 for Windows and Mac OS here.
DevTeam hacker MuscleNerd has recently confirmed that the RedSn0w 0.9.8 b1 jailbreak works on iOS 5 Beta 2. All you have to do is to point it to a downloaded iOS 5 beta 1 firmware ipsw.
5.0b2 can be jailbroken w/redsn0w from 2 wks ago (must point redsn0w at 5.0b1 IPSW)..devs ONLY please
This jailbreak works on all devices, exect iPad 2. This means you can get a tethered jailbreak on Windows and Mac OS for iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPod Touch 3G, iPod Touch 4G and iPad.
You can download RedSn0w 0.9.8 b1 for Windows and Mac OS here.
Good news everyone. DevTeam recently posted a tweet where they inform us that they will soon release a new version of Redsn0w utility for Windows. It will be an untethered jailbreak for iOS 4.2.1 using the Monte iOS 4.1 technique.
In fact, Apple still provides 4.1 ipsw and this could be used to jailbreak.
In addition, the team warns that Windows version will be very slow because the program uses the filesystem instead of RAM.