iPhone Dev-Team released RedSn0w 0.9.9b9 with full iOS 5.0.1 support (no need to point to iOS 5.0 any more). New version also features support for SHSH and APTickets:
native support for 5.0.1 (no need to point redsn0w at 5.0 IPSW or use command-line args). Support automatically extends to all of redsn0w’s various functions: “Jailbreak”, “Just boot”, “Fetch blobs”, “Stitch blobs”, “Recovery Fix”
iBooks fixed in 5.0 and 5.0.1. This is a targeted fix that doesn’t remove entire sandbox mechanism. 5.x users already using redsn0w “Just Boot” can just use the new version without redoing entire jailbreak again
3GS old-bootrom owners can now create custom IPSWs without blobs
ultrasn0w compatability update (i.e. same baseband requirements) for 5.0.1 will be available on Cydia Monday
support for newer 8GB iPhone4 (which until now had problems with “Fetch blobs”). Thanks to @JKjeepnJeff for loaning us one of these newer i4 units for testing!
allows Windows users (not just OS X users) to use the “Custom” button to create IPSWs without baseband updates. (Update: please wait for 0.9.9b9b for this!)
accommodates APTickets in 5.x (until next Apple countermove). APTickets are crypto-verified before submitting to Cydia, just like the main blobs. Cydia server support for sending back the APTickets is upcoming. For now, use stitched IPSWs for 5.x. Due to APTickets, stitched 5.x IPSWs now require user to start in “Pwned DFU” mode
Support added for stitching 4.x blobs to iPad2-GSM IPSWs. Similar to @notcom’s TinyCFW but doesn’t require lots of RAM or a TSS-assisted restore. Won’t work for iPad2 5.x blobs (or iPhone4S at all) until a bootrom-level exploit is out
top line now shows whether (and where) a redsn0w update is available, or if the version being run is the latest. Uses DNS TXT record to alleviate any concerns about snooping
no 5.1 beta support at this time (major apps like Cydia are not yet compatible)
@pod2g has been doing a great job porting his 5.x untether…check his blog for updates!
Owners of newer 3GS iPhones must not flash the iPad baseband. The iPad baseband will not work on 3GS iPhones built later than 2011 week 35. You have a week 35 or later device if your serial # starts with xx135.
Update #17b: Version 0.9.9b9b enables the “Custom” button for Windows users, and make the 3GS week 35 warning a more explicit part of the process.
RedSn0w 0.9.9b8 recognizes 5.0.1 beta and you don’t have to “point at 5.0 IPSW” any more. Since the IPSW isn’t public, you’ll still need to provide it once to redsn0w (Extra -> Select IPSW).
uses DFU mode to try to automatically determine which device and FW you have
fetches pieces of public IPSWs from Apple (once). Non-public IPSWs must be provided manually (once). It then caches those pieces for future use.
“Just boot” is a tethered boot. Uses whatever “Preferences” you’ve set for boot logo and kernel boot-args
“Pwned DFU” puts your device in a pwned DFU state for some of the iTunes stuff detailed below
“Recovery fix” gets past 1015 types of errors (when baseband portion of restore fails). Should work on iOS5 beta too
“Select IPSW” is for picking non-public IPSWs, or overriding auto-detection
“SHSH blobs” has a bunch of options…
“Fetch” – fetch current PARTIAL blobs on device. Should complete in under 10 or 15 seconds. Puts the set of PARTIAL of blobs on your computer as a plist. Checks if Cydia already has a full set for this device and build. If not, it submits this PARTIAL set and returns Cydia’s acknowledgement or rejection
“Verify” – cryptographically verifies existing blob files from either redsn0w, TinyUmbrella, or Cydia server. You can select a whole bunch of blobs to verify at once if you want (like the TinyUmbrella directory)
“Submit” – both verifies and submits one or more blob files to Cydia. This lets you copy your entire TinyUmbrella cache of blobs up to the Cydia server
“Query” - queries the Cydia server for all available FULL or PARTIAL blobs for a given set of ECIDs
“Stitch” – stitches either FULL or PARTIAL blobs to a STOCK or CUSTOM IPSW
Stitching is NOT yet supported on iPhones! Need to work out the baseband part of the restore process.
FULL blobs stitched to a STOCK IPSW gives you a completely self-contained signed IPSW that iTunes will accept without any tricks (no need to go into pwned DFU mode, no need to start TinyUmbrella TSS server, no need to redirect to Cydia server for blobs)
PARTIAL blobs stitched to any IPSW requires you to go into pwned DFU mode before running iTunes. No need to start TU or use Cydia though.
Stitching either FULL or PARTIAL blobs to a CUSTOM IPSW also requires a pwned DFU start before iTunes restores. No need to start TU or use Cydia though./li>
Will eventually support fetching the blobs directly from Cydia instead of a file on your computer
untethered jailbreak for iPhone 3GS with old bootrom (iOS 4.3.5 or iOS 5 Beta 7)
Musclenerd posted via twitter:
New redsn0w is.gd/6eek4Y explicitly supports iOS5b7 (no need to point at b6 IPSW). Also brings back old-bootrom 3GS goodies.
This is great news for both developers and owners of old bootrom iPhone 3GS’s who accidentally updated to iOS 4.3.5.
DevTeam posted:
About 12 hours after we released redsn0w 0.9.8b7 with some improvements for iOS5b6, Apple went and released iOS5b7 (what are the odds of that?!?). Even though that redsn0w could still jailbreak iOS5b7, you needed to point it at the iOS5b6 IPSW to do so. Today’s redsn0w 0.9.8b7b lets you point redsn0w directly at the iOS5b7 IPSW instead.
We’ve also added some overall improvements for old-bootrom 3GS owners (where the 24kpwn exploit applies): on those devices, you can tell redsn0w to untether 4.3.5 and lower, or iOS5b7. Old-bootrom 3GS owners can once again choose custom logos, and/or verbose booting (for the really nerdy iPhone3GS fans out there!). And it allows 4.3.4 or 4.3.5 users to use ultrasn0w again (if they have a compatible baseband).
Last but not least, we fixed some lingering Verizon iPhone4 4.2.10 JB issues.