Untethered jailbreak is available for all devices with iOS 6.0 – iOS 6.1.2 . This includes:
iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4 , iPhone 4S, iPhone 5;
iPod Touch 4G , iPod Touch 5G;
iPad 2, iPad 3, iPad 4, iPad Mini;
If you don’t need cellular unlock use Evasion utility, tutorials are available here:
If you need custom firmware to preserve baseband modem version for iPhone unlock use SnowBreeze . Tutorials are here:
Tags: 1 ,
3G ,
3GS ,
4G ,
Ads ,
baseband ,
custom firmware ,
Firmware ,
Howto ,
iOS ,
iOS 6 ,
iOS 6.0 ,
iOS 6.1.2 ,
iPad ,
iPad 2 ,
iPad 3 ,
iPad Mini ,
iPhone ,
iPhone 3G ,
iPhone 3GS ,
iPhone 4 ,
iPhone 4S ,
iPhone 5 ,
iPod ,
iPod Touch ,
iPod Touch 4 ,
iPod Touch 4G ,
jailbreak ,
Mac ,
sn0wbreeze ,
tethered ,
tethered jailbreak ,
Tutorial ,
Unlock ,
Unlock & Jailbreak ,
untethered ,
untethered jailbreak ,
Windows ,
анлок ,
джейлбрейк ,
Пошаговые инструкции ,
The iPhone Dev-Team has released updates to RedSn0w and PwnageTool that bring support for the iOS 5.1.1 untethered jailbreak .
RedSn0w 0.9.12b1 supports untethered iOS 5.1.1 jailbreak for all devices:
iPhone 3GS
iPhone 4
iPhone 4S
iPad 1
iPad 2
new iPad 3
iPod Touch 3G
iPod Touch 4G
PwnageTool 5.1.1 allows to create custom firmware and preserve modem version for unlock with ultrasn0w or Gevey. PwnageTool 5.1.1 supports all A4 devices:
iPhone 3GS
iPhone 4
iPad 1
iPod Touch 3G
iPod Touch 4G
Apple TV 2G
You can download RedSn0w 0.9.12b1 here and PwnageTool 5.1.1 here .
We will create step-by-step tutorial soon.
Official DevTeam comments:
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Tags: 1 ,
3G ,
3GS ,
4G ,
5.1.1 ,
A4 ,
A5 ,
Absinthe ,
activation ,
Ads ,
app ,
Apple ,
Apple TV ,
Apple TV 2G ,
AppleTV ,
baseband ,
custom firmware ,
DevTeam ,
download ,
Firmware ,
Gevey ,
iCloud ,
iOS ,
iOS 5 ,
iOS 5.1 ,
iOS 5.1.1 ,
iPad ,
iPad 2 ,
iPad 3 ,
iPhone ,
iPhone 3G ,
iPhone 3GS ,
iPhone 4 ,
iPhone 4S ,
iPod ,
iPod Touch ,
iPod Touch 3 ,
iPod Touch 3G ,
iPod Touch 4 ,
iPod Touch 4G ,
ipsw ,
jailbreak ,
less ,
Limera1n ,
Mac ,
music ,
Official ,
photo ,
plist ,
pwnagetool ,
PwnageTool 5.1.1 ,
redsn0w ,
redsn0w 0.9 ,
RedSn0w 0.9.12 ,
sed ,
tethered ,
tethered jailbreak ,
Tutorial ,
ultrasn0w ,
Unlock ,
untethered ,
untethered jailbreak ,
update ,
zip ,
анлок ,
джейлбрейк ,
отвязанный джейлбрейк ,
приложения ,
скачать ,
фото ,
Here are our step-by-step tutorials that will guide you through all the process of jailbreaking iOS 5.1 with redsn0w and sn0wbreeze :
iPhone 4
Tethered jailbreak iOS 5.1:
iPhone 3GS
(Un)Tethered jailbreak iOS 5.1
Read the rest of this entry »
Tags: 1 ,
3G ,
3GS ,
4G ,
Ads ,
custom firmware ,
Firmware ,
Howto ,
iOS ,
iOS 5 ,
iOS 5.0.1 ,
iOS 5.1 ,
iPad ,
iPad3G ,
iPhone ,
iPhone 3G ,
iPhone 3GS ,
iPhone 4 ,
iPhone3 ,
iPod ,
iPod Touch ,
iPod Touch 3 ,
iPod Touch 3G ,
iPod Touch 4 ,
iPod Touch 4G ,
jailbreak ,
redsn0w ,
sn0wbreeze ,
tethered ,
tethered jailbreak ,
Tutorial ,
Unlock ,
Windows ,
джейлбрейк ,
джейлбрейк прошивки ,
Пошаговые инструкции ,
Here are our step-by-step tutorials that will guide you through all the process of jailbreaking iOS 5.0.1 with sn0wbreeze , redsn0w, pwnagetool and absenthe :
iPhone 4S
UnTethered jailbreak iOS 5.0 / iOS 5.0.1:
iPhone 4
UnTethered jailbreak iOS 5.0.1:
Read the rest of this entry »
Tags: 1 ,
3G ,
3GS ,
4G ,
Absinthe ,
Ads ,
custom firmware ,
Firmware ,
Howto ,
iOS ,
iOS 5 ,
iOS 5.0.1 ,
iPad ,
iPad 2 ,
iPad3G ,
iPhone ,
iPhone 3G ,
iPhone 3GS ,
iPhone 4 ,
iPhone 4S ,
iPhone3 ,
iPod ,
iPod Touch ,
iPod Touch 3 ,
iPod Touch 3G ,
iPod Touch 4 ,
iPod Touch 4G ,
jailbreak ,
Mac ,
pwnagetool ,
redsn0w ,
redsn0w 0.9 ,
RedSn0w 0.9.9 ,
sn0wbreeze ,
tethered ,
tethered jailbreak ,
Tutorial ,
Unlock ,
untethered ,
untethered jailbreak ,
Windows ,
джейлбрейк ,
джейлбрейк прошивки ,
Пошаговые инструкции ,
The iPhone Dev-Team has updated RedSn0w with support for jailbreaking iOS 5.0.1 beta which was recently released for iOS developers .
RedSn0w 0.9 .9b8 recognizes 5.0.1 beta and you don’t have to “point at 5.0 IPSW” any more. Since the IPSW isn’t public, you’ll still need to provide it once to redsn0w (Extra -> Select IPSW).
Read the rest of this entry »
Tags: 1 ,
3G ,
3GS ,
Ads ,
app ,
Apple ,
baseband ,
beta ,
BootROM ,
custom firmware ,
developers ,
download ,
Firmware ,
iOS ,
iOS 5 ,
iOS 5.0.1 ,
iPhone ,
ipsw ,
jailbreak ,
Mac ,
redsn0w ,
redsn0w 0.9 ,
RedSn0w 0.9.9 ,
sed ,
tethered ,
tethered jailbreak ,
ultrasn0w ,
Unlock ,
update ,
анлок ,
джейлбрейк ,