PwnageTool 5.1.1 allows to create custom firmware and preserve modem version for unlock with ultrasn0w or Gevey. PwnageTool 5.1.1 supports all A4 devices:
iPhone 3GS
iPhone 4
iPad 1
iPod Touch 3G
iPod Touch 4G
Apple TV 2G
You can download RedSn0w 0.9.12b1 here and PwnageTool 5.1.1 here.
The iPhone Dev-Team has released RedSn0w 0.9.9b5 – an official tethered jailbreak for iOS 5. Users don’t have to point to downloaded iOS 5 ipws any more. Just run and jailbreak.
Currently only the Mac version has been made available. Windows version is coming soon. However Windows users can still jailbreak iOS 5 with Redsn0w 0.9.9.b4, – just go to “Extras” -> “Select IPWS” and select your iOS 5 ipsw file (can download here).
Good news for users who need carrier unlock (ultrasn0w or Gevey Sim). With RedSn0w 0.9.9b5 you can update to iOS 5 and preserve the baseband (modem) version for unlock:
The new “Custom IPSW” button on the Extras screen will create a custom IPSW without the baseband update for 4.3.3 or 5.0gm (iPhone3GS and iPhone4 only, for now). Remember not to accidentally restore to the stock IPSW after you create the custom one! The custom one begins with NO_BB_ (for “no baseband”).
You must enter “Pwned DFU” mode before trying to use the NO_BB_ IPSW with iTunes (and your hosts file cannot be pointing to Cydia’s servers due to the new blob nonce mechanism they’re using in iOS5).
We will update our step-by-step tutorials soon.
You can download RedSn0w 0.9.9b5 (Mac) and RedSn0w 0.9.9b4 (Windows) here.
PS: RedSn0w 0.9.9 is a bit different from 0.9.8 version. You can learn more about other new redsn0w 0.9.9 features here.
DevTeam worked hard for the last several hours and released jailbreak tool for iOS 4.2.1. It is redsn0w 0.9.6 b4.
As usual we remind all ultrasn0w unlockers please stay away from this official firmware. Wait for the ability to create custom 4.2.1 IPSWs that don’t update your baseband!
New redsn0w 0.9.6 b4 uses limera1n exploit and will successfully jailbreak all devices. The only problem is that it is a tethered jailbreak, which means you will have to plug it to a computer and rerun redsn0w on every reboot. This so called tethered or semi-tethered jailbreak. This condition applies to iPhone 3GS (new bootrom), iPhone 4, iPad, iPod touch 2G (MC model), iPod touch 3G and iPod touch 4G. Hackers are working hard to create untethered jailbreak for these devices. To use future untethered jailbreak you need to save SHSH keys for iOS 4.1 using TinyUmbrella utility or directly in Cydia.
Old devices like iPhone 3GS (old bootrom), iPhone 3G and iPod touch 2G (non-MC model) can be jailbroken-untethered right now using this latest version of RedSn0w.
RedSn0w 0.9.6 b1 for Mac OS X was released a while ago. Today DevTeam created a version for Windows users. RedSn0w 0.9.6 b1 can jailbreak iOS 4.1 and iOS 4.1 running on iPhone 3G or iPod touch 2G.
Select your stock 4.1 or 4.0 ipsw (you’ve already used this to update your device to 4.1 or 4.0)
Select “Install Cydia” and any of the other options shown above, then click “Next”. Use DFU mode to install the jailbreak.
This is still beta, so there might be some problems:
Any Windows users seeing “Waiting for reboot” for too long (more than 20 seconds or so), please try “shaking” the JB process by unplugging then replugging your USB cable (while letting redsn0w continue to run). Also, try using a USB port “closer” to your computer (as opposed to on your monitor or behind another hub).
As usual DevTeam reminds us:
That’s because to use redsn0w at 4.1, you need to already have updated to official 4.1 from Apple. If you do that, you lose the ultrasn0w unlock (possibly forever).
DevTeam recently released new version of redsn0w to jailbreak iOS 4.1. New RedSn0w 0.9.6 b1 supports iOS 4.0 and iOS 4.1 running on iPhone 3G or iPod touch 2G.
There is only Mac OS X x86 version, that you can download here.
Select your stock 4.1 or 4.0 ipsw (you’ve already used this to update your device to 4.1 or 4.0)
Select “Install Cydia” and any of the other options shown above, then click “Next”. Use DFU mode to install the jailbreak.
As usual DevTeam reminds us:
That’s because to use redsn0w at 4.1, you need to already have updated to official 4.1 from Apple. If you do that, you lose the ultrasn0w unlock (possibly forever).