iH8sn0w has just released a new version of Sn0wbreeze, the Windows tool that allows you to jailbreak Firmware 3.1.3. This is a small update that fixes a problem that occurs only on 64bit operating system.
A new group of hackers claim they found a new exploit for the iPhone 3GS and iPod Touch with the new BootRom. This means that jailbreak for iPhone 3GS (late models) and iPod Touch 2G (MC) and iPod Touch 3G will be available.
We just found an amazing Exploit in the Boot-System of the 3GS with the new Bootrom! This Exploit works on ALL iPhone and iPod Touches!
The tool will be called Gull1hack. The operation is very simple and the code is sent when the device is in recovery mode, just like Blackra1n and Redsn0w do. This jailbreak tool has been neither confirmed by Geohot nor from the DevTeam. Many users think this is fake. We’ll see.
iH8sn0w released a new version of Sn0wbreeze, the Windows tool that allows to jailbreak the newest firmware 3.1.3. This is a small update that addresses several problems with YouTube.
You can download the new version of sn0wbreeze from here.
We still recommend to use DevTeam utilities – redsn0w (Windows and MAC OS) and pwnagetool (MAC OS only).
The iPhone Dev-Team has released PwnageTool 3.1.5 for Mac OS X. It allows iPhone and iPod Touch users to safely upgrade to firmware 3.1.3. With PwnageTool you can preserve jailbreak and ultrasn0w unlock. But if you’re using the blacksn0w unlock with baseband 05.11.07 you will need to stay at firmware 3.1.2.
PwnageTool 3.1.5 creates a custom 3.1.3 IPSW for the following devices:
iPhone 2G
iPhone 3G
iPhone 3GS with early bootrom
iPod touch 1G
iPod touch 2G with early bootrom
Warning! Don’t try to use this tool if you have iPhone 3GS with firmware 3.1.3 – it just won’t work. If you have iPod Touch 1G, iPhone 2G or factory unlocked iPhone 3G , try to use redsn0w – is would be much easier.
H8sn0w has just released the new version of Sn0wbreeze 1.4. Sn0wbreeze is a jailbreak utility with functionality similar to PwnageTool. The new version supports firmware 3.1.3 jailbreak for the following devices:
Sn0wbreeze is a Windows application, so Mac users have to wait for the upcoming release of PwnageTool by the DevTeam. Alternatively, both Mac and Windows users can use Redsn0w to run jailbreak (no custom firmware though).
You can download the new version of sn0wbreeze here.
MuscleNerd continues to argue that we should not use sn0wbreeze. Especially users who have unlocked their iPhone with blacksn0w utility: