The iPhone Dev-Team released RedSn0w 0.9.14b2 with improved algorithm for baseband downgrade from the iPad’s 06.15 baseband to 05.13 on the iPhone 3GS and iPhone 3G. The 06.15 baseband was used by many users to unlock their device. Now it is possible to to get back true GPS and an ultrasn0w unlock.
Typically you’d have the 06.15 baseband if you unlock with ultrasn0w but updated your iPhone baseband past 05.13.04. With this new capability, you can now downgrade specifically from 06.15 to 05.13.04 (even if you never had 05.13.04 on that device before). This gives you the best of both worlds: ultrasn0w compatibility and a normal iPhone baseband with full GPS and the ability to use stock IPSWs again.
The revised steps are:
Connect your iPhone in normal mode, then click “Jailbreak” after redsn0w identifies its model and BB version (you needn’t pre-select the IPSW anymore).
Choose the “Downgrade from iPad baseband” option (you needn’t worry about de-selecting Cydia anymore).
Do a controlled “slide to power off” shutdown of your phone and proceed through the normal DFU ramdisk steps.
After the ramdisk gets launched and you see the Pwnapple running on your iPhone, you’ll eventually get to the “Flashing Baseband” step. THIS STEP TAKES A VERY LONG TIME to complete and there won’t be any feedback while its running. Please just let it be for the next 3-8 minutes! When the ramdisk has done its job it will reboot the phone on its own.
For those who are wondering if you can update your 3G or 3GS to 06.15 solely for the purposes of downgrading to 05.13.04, the answer is “yes” for 3G owners, and “maybe” for 3GS owners. The iPad baseband is not compatible with 3GS units manufactured week 34 of 2011 or later. If you have an iPhone3GS and if digits 3-5 of its Serial Number are 134 or later (xx134…), then you should NOT try to install the 06.15 baseband on your 3GS! It will brick your radio, preventing both the downgrade from working and normal iPhone software from using it as a phone! Be warned!
Update #1: If you’re still using ultrasn0w after going down to 05.13.04, many people have reported that re-installing Mobile Substrate and/or ultrasn0w fixes crashes and “No Signal”.
The iPhone Dev-Team released RedSn0w 0.9.14b1 that can perform a baseband downgrade from the iPad’s 06.15 baseband to 05.13 on the iPhone 3GS and iPhone 3G. The 06.15 baseband was used by many users to unlock their device. Now it is possible to to get back true GPS and an ultrasn0w unlock.
Yesterday iTunes update was found to have issues with those of iPod Touches and iPhones that were tethered jailbroken with blackRa1n. If you have one of these, you will be unable to rejailbreak your device after rebooting it with blackra1n. The problem is being experienced only by Windows users. iH8Sn0w has an explanation:
“Blackra1n hooks to the dll that has different offsets of what it is actually looking for”.
To solve the problem iH8Sn0w released a blackra1n fix for a new version of iTunes. It’s named BlackBreeze and it supports 32bit + 64bit Windows versions and can be downloaded here. Please note that this fix is not an official update from Geohot. You can also try to replace new iTunes dll-files with the old ones or install iTunes 9.0.3. The latter is available here (don’t forget to uninstall the current version and reboot before the installing of another one).
So this is a minor update, which fixing only the accuracy of the 3GS battery meter and the stability of some third-party app launches. This update is avaliable via iTunes.
New firmware 3.1.3 also introduces a new version of the baseband, the 05.12.01. So if you need unlock do not update! DevTeam also warns us:
If you care about your jailbreak and unlock, don’t update your device – 3G and 3G(S) owners should pay particular attention to this warning.
PwnageTool and redsn0w are not yet compatible with 3.1.3
Experimenters show that the latest version of redsn0w 0.9.2 is able to jailbreak iPhone 2G, iPhone 3G and iPod touch 1G. Just point it at the 3.1.2 IPSW (download here) after doing update or restore to firmware 3.1.3. Sounds like DevTeam will release an updated version of redsn0w that will handle firmware 3.1.3 officially. They say iPod touch 2G with firmware 3.1.3 is also jailbreakable.
Users report that unlock software, blacksn0w and ultrasn0w, doesn;t work with the new baseband.
Now everyone will know that the DevTeam and GeoHot are no longer in good terms and in fact shortly after the release of Redsn0w 0.8, the tool to run the jailbreak of Firmawre 3.0, there were many discussions on Twitter between GeoHot and copumpkin, one of the DevTeam members.
GeoHot complained that redsn0w uses the same “hole” and the same exploit to run the iPhone 3GS Jailbreak, copumpkin said that the flaw was the same but the exploit was completely different and created entirely by them. Not trusting, GeoHot asked repeatedly Hash codes (the identity) for the files needed to run the exploit and said that it had not been a good idea to release two programs that use the same “hole” (stealing?).
GeoHot also said, that redsn0w has problems (which is true, some users have reported problems) and so he plans to release a new better version of Purplera1n. It will probably will also unlock the iPhone.