Here are our step-by-step tutorials that will guide you through all the process of tether jailbreaking iOS 6.0 .1 with redsn0w and sn0wbreeze :
iPhone 4
Tethered jailbreak iOS 6 .0.1
Read the rest of this entry »
Tags: 1 ,
3G ,
3GS ,
4G ,
5.1.1 ,
Ads ,
Howto ,
iOS ,
iOS 5 ,
iOS 5.0.1 ,
iOS 5.1 ,
iOS 5.1.1 ,
iOS 6 ,
iOS 6.0 ,
iPhone ,
iPhone 3G ,
iPhone 3GS ,
iPhone 4 ,
iPhone3 ,
iPod ,
iPod Touch ,
iPod Touch 4 ,
iPod Touch 4G ,
jailbreak ,
redsn0w ,
sn0wbreeze ,
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tethered jailbreak ,
Tutorial ,
Unlock ,
Unlock & Jailbreak ,
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Пошаговые инструкции
UPDATE : tutorials for iOS 6.0.1 jailbreak are available here .
Here are our step-by-step tutorials that will guide you through all the process of tether jailbreaking iOS 6 with redsn0w :
iPhone 4
Tethered jailbreak iOS 6
iPhone 3GS
(Un)Tethered jailbreak iOS 6
iPod Touch 4G
Tethered jailbreak iOS 6
Tutorials for iOS 5.1.1 can be found here .
Tutorials for iOS 5.0.1 can be found here .
Tutorials for iOS 5.1 can be found here .
Other tutorials are available here .
Tags: 1 ,
3G ,
3GS ,
4G ,
5.1.1 ,
Ads ,
Apple ,
Howto ,
iOS ,
iOS 5 ,
iOS 5.0.1 ,
iOS 5.1 ,
iOS 5.1.1 ,
iOS 6 ,
iOS 6.0 ,
iPad ,
iPad3G ,
iPhone ,
iPhone 3G ,
iPhone 3GS ,
iPhone 4 ,
iPhone3 ,
iPod ,
iPod Touch ,
iPod Touch 3 ,
iPod Touch 3G ,
iPod Touch 4 ,
iPod Touch 4G ,
jailbreak ,
Mac ,
redsn0w ,
sn0wbreeze ,
tethered ,
tethered jailbreak ,
Tutorial ,
Unlock ,
Unlock & Jailbreak ,
update ,
Windows ,
WordPress ,
джейлбрейк ,
джейлбрейк прошивки ,
Пошаговые инструкции
Here are our step-by-step tutorials that will guide you through all the process of untether jailbreaking iOS 5.1.1 with absinthe , redsn0w and sn0wbreeze :
iPhone 4S
UnTethered jailbreak iOS 5.1.1
iPhone 4
UnTethered jailbreak iOS 5.1.1
Read the rest of this entry »
Tags: 1 ,
3G ,
3GS ,
4G ,
5.1.1 ,
Absinthe ,
Ads ,
app ,
Apple ,
Apple TV ,
Apple TV 2G ,
AppleTV ,
Howto ,
iOS ,
iOS 5 ,
iOS 5.0.1 ,
iOS 5.1 ,
iOS 5.1.1 ,
iPad ,
iPad 2 ,
iPad 3 ,
iPad3G ,
iPhone ,
iPhone 3G ,
iPhone 3GS ,
iPhone 4 ,
iPhone 4S ,
iPhone3 ,
iPod ,
iPod Touch ,
iPod Touch 3 ,
iPod Touch 3G ,
iPod Touch 4 ,
iPod Touch 4G ,
jailbreak ,
Mac ,
redsn0w ,
Seas0nPass ,
sn0wbreeze ,
tethered ,
tethered jailbreak ,
Tutorial ,
Unlock ,
untethered ,
untethered jailbreak ,
Windows ,
WordPress ,
джейлбрейк ,
джейлбрейк прошивки ,
отвязанный джейлбрейк ,
Пошаговые инструкции